Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sadie Turns 18 Months!

My baby girl is now 18 months old. I can't believe that it's been that long. Some days feel longer than other but she is so worth it. I wouldn't know what to do if we didn't have her in our family. She is an absolute joy and pain all at the same time.

She loves music and especially loves to dance. We will catch her dancing by herself with no music (except in her head). She is now singing and talking alot. We still don't know exactly what she is saying but we can usually get the jist of it.

She is very active and loves to play, inside or out. She is a climber and will climb on ANYTHING! Especially her parents. (I don't know the last time I didn't have brusies on my body). She is very smart and loves to figure out how things work or how she can get them to work for her.

We are struggling with quiet voices right now and being quiet in Church. She is getting better but it's an ongoing struggle. She loves nursery and all her friends and teachers. So Momma is working on quiet games and books to keep our VERY active little girl quiet.

I have trained her well and she will now stop and pose for a picture. But she is still camera shy when I turn the video camera to get a video of her dancing. She is now wanting to take pictures so I've been working with her on how to take them. We think we will try and get a "kid friendly" camera so she can take real pictures. Or maybe just the disposable kind.

I love her so very much and I thank the Heavens above for granting me this precious life.


Here is Sadie playing with her baby doll.

**Please note the background noise is the US Men's Volleyball Team playing China therefore I could not turn off the sound.**

Have you heard of the three men in a tub? The Butcher, The Baker & The Candlestick maker...Well this reminded me of that. Only she's not in the water she's playing her piano.