Friday, August 21, 2009

Beau's Birthday Party

August 14, 2009
August has been a very fun month for us. We've got to go to two different birthday parties and we got a new puppy.
On the 14th we were able to go to the park for our Cousin Beau's 2nd birthday. Sadie LOVED it! She played and played on the equipment.

Then she found the bike rack and she and Beau played with this for a while. Going in and Out!

Of course she wanted to SWING! Unfortunately there was only 1 toddler swing so she didn't swing too much.

I got this great picture of the two of us (if you ignore the ketchup on her face and the watermelon juice on her shirt)

This park even had a teeter-totter
Beau, Sadie and one of Beau's other friends
Sadie & Beau
We had to leave early so we didn't get to have cake or watch Beau unwrap presents. But little Miss I need to PLAY PLAY PLAY wouldn't slow down and she got EXTREMELY over heated. As you can see the redness of her face. But she had a great time. And we hope Beau had a very Happy Birthday party.