Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Vent Session Please!!!

I know I said that I am going to try and be positive about things right now but I really need to vent. First let me say that I am really grateful I have a job. Now with that being said I am completely and utterly frustrated with my job and the lack of respect and discipline. I currently bust my butt managing two commercial owners associations, one entire commercial building & it's tenant (which is a HUGE pain because it's a government agency), one maintenance contract on a commercial property and a 32-unit apartment complex (Not to mention the 5 other associations that may be coming up in the next 6 months out of town).

Well I was originally not supposed to have anything to do with the apartments but it was being managed so poorly and I was doing a SUPERB job on my other properties that they had me take over. With the understanding that there is a resident manager onsite to handle calls, show apartments, take applications and rent. My job was/is to over see that manager, do all paperwork and legal documents and help with accounting.

With that said, I am now helping with accounting on ALL of my projects. And after a meeting today it looks like I am going to be taking over completely at the apartment complex as the resident manager is not doing their job and I've had to pick up the slack.
Which is great, but now I'm doing the work of three people and not even close to being compensated as such and now I'm going to be putting in extra time (which will help $$ wise) but it also means I will be taking time away from my family. I will also have to have the apartment phone for the weekends now.

I am happy that the Management here at my office sees the hard work and has confidence in what I am capable of handling, but it has me a bit overwhelmed. Ok lets face it I'm pissed off that I'm not being compensated for my hard work and extra effort that I've put in. I understand that it is hard times for everyone and I am EXTREMELY grateful for my job. But they also have to take into consideration that I too have been affected by these hard economic times and that if I keep going at the pace that I am I will BURN OUT! That will not be beneficial to either of us.

It seems the harder I try to make ends meet by working a little extra time they see that as 'oh shes willing to do more for less' and to be perfectly honest I am not. But how does one approach this subject with the current economic status of the company being very poor and people being laid off? I just don't know. But I do know this. If I were to CRACK UP, they would not be able to afford the person who would try and fill my shoes and that would cost the company more money in the long run.
Ok now that my venting out of the way I do feel better. Let's just hope that I don't crack up and if I do please rescue Sadie and Steve!
Lots of Love!


Papa Randy said...

Becareful about burning the candle at both ends. Too much stress is not healthy. Just pace yourself. Sadie was so cute at church Sunday. You have such beautiful and sweet children, I am looking forward to the end of the year.

Gini said...

Tammy, I think you have every right to bring this situation up to your boss. I feel like if they have you doing extra work, you deserve a raise... even if it's just a little one. If you're doing the work of three, you DEFINITELY deserve more pay. Anyway, I really see know problem in sharing these feelings with your boss. I'm sure they realize that they are getting more for less right now, and it appears that they are taking major advantage of you...crappy economy or not. Anyway, just my feelings on the matter. I totally don't blame you for venting!

Karina said...

I have had to do this myself. Write a request for a raise and justify your request with the additional jobs that you have had to assume.
Sometimes bosses just plain forget about raising wages when they dump on additional taskings.

Hang in there Tammy!
