Last night was another rough night for poor Miss Sadie. She no longer has a high fever but her teeth are really bothering her. The poor child barely was able to stay awake through dinner. And then she fell asleep holding on to her babas. (It was actually really cute) This was at 7pm. I knew that was going to be an issue but she was just so tired. Well as I suspected around 9pm she woke up crying and in pain. We were able to calm her down and she finally fell back to sleep around 10pm. Then at 1am the same thing happened. Only this time it took both Steve and I to calm her down and get her back to sleep.
This morning she was awake when Steve left (5:45am) so I knew she was still in pain. We ate and got dressed. She was still really uncomfortable and whiny so at 7am I gave her a dose of Tylenol on our way out the door. I also grabbed a treat for her for the trip. I gave her a frozen waffle. She loved it. She just smiled at me and sang along with the music in the car. Then about 1/2 way to daycare she passed out, waffle in hand. She must have finally gotten comfortable. I pulled up to daycare and she didn't even move when I got her out of the car and carried her inside. (This isn't like her. Even if she falls asleep on the way, she always wakes up and wants to walk to the door.) Well I carried her inside and passed her off to Kimmi and still nothing. She was OUT!
I don't recall if I've ever actually posted what my current position is at my job. It involves property management. I manage commercial complexes and manage an apartment complex. For the most part it keeps me completely occupied with my time. However, the office I currently work also does construction/development/architecture. As with a lot of other companies we have had our share of cut backs in many areas, personnel, supplies, etc. I was reassured last week that my position is secure but in this unstable economy you just never know.
In an attempt to try and get ourselves financially stable enough that I can stay home with Sadie, we have cut ALOT out. No extra trips to the store, no new shirt or outfit (except for Sadie, Huh, how does that work? lol) no date nights that involve money (ok no date nights at all). You get my drift. It is REALLY important to me that I can be able to stay home with my children and pay an honest tithe. I contacted our Mortgage lender yesterday to find out that because we are current on our mortgage and because we are so upside down (thank you Sadie) they can't help us.
Ok so not to worry we are fine we will just continue doing what we've been doing, only now for survival purposes rather than being able to stay home. Things are so crazy every where in the world right now that I have to remind myself just how very blessed I am.
There are several streets that I drive on daily (going to and from daycare) that I see those less fortunate than myself. I know a lot of that is due to the decisions they have made for themselves in the past but it still reminds me that it could be ALOT worse. We are so truly blessed to have jobs, have a home, have food, have each other, have the gospel, have family & friends. I have been so negative the past 6 months or so about life in general that I feel that I need to make a change.
My Friend Bella was talking about this very thing the other day on her blog. She said
"I am learning that choosing to live life joyfully is an inner discipline. I have to practice my heart attitude....though depression can really drain and draw you into darkness, I am learning that it is a continual choice of choosing to be joyful... finding ways to encourage my heart attitude. Obedience to the Lord ---even when I can't lift my head---to see that the Lord is helping me through each moment. Stillness. Listening. Worship. Rest. He says, "Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest. " Matt. 11:28"
I am really grateful for those words. It's true. It's so easy to be the victim all the time. And now more than ever we have to choose to live life with joy. Even when there is little joy to be had. It reminds me of the movie Pollyanna. Remember it? I know you did! Pollyanna was famous in Harrington for always finding the good. She called it the Glad Game! I am going to try and practice that. I encourage you all to do the same. Remember smiling is contagious, so please pass it on.
In other news, I've been joking with Steve the past couple of days saying if I didn't know any better I'd swear I was pregnant. I'M NOT! But man all the symptoms are there. I must be having sympathy pains for my sister-in-law Suzanne. This time change has really kicked my butt. I can barely keep my eyes open at work or at home. I've already turned into a hermit (Thanks Steve) but this is getting ridiculous. Oh well.
Steve is doing well. He is still working as a contracted employee to Chevron. Since all the hiring freezes it will be a while (Still) until he gets hired on if ever! He is still working on our kitchen cabinets but he only has 3 cabinets left. Then it's on to the doors. I can't wait, then we can put everything away and I can have my treadmill back and Sadie can walk around the house.
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