Katie & Sadie
Momma and Sadie
Cute Da!
Walking with Da
This is the newest face. She makes it all the time. Doesn't she look sweet? HA!
In between answering the door, we watched 2 & 1/2 Men. Sadie loves the theme song. Well I caught her dancing to it. She is so cute. She just loves to dance.
Momma and Sadie
For the record Steve wore it all the way to Costco.
Then we turned our attention on the hords of people we THOUGHT were going to come. So Steve got out Frankie (our 8 foot tall Frankenstein) and inflated him. Then I got our pumpkins out and took some pictures.
That's right I'm showing my support. Although I'm dressing it up for the Holidays.
Then we turned our attention on the hords of people we THOUGHT were going to come. So Steve got out Frankie (our 8 foot tall Frankenstein) and inflated him. Then I got our pumpkins out and took some pictures.
Sadie wasn't diggin' on Frankie so Steve thought we better traumatize her somemore. Here are some pictures and a few videos of Steve torturing his daughter. Ok so I may have had a hand in it too. She was just really cute.
Leaf vs. Frankenstein
Checking out Frankie
Frankie Take Two...
Sadie, Da & Frankenstein
Sadie checking Frankie out
Cute Da!
Walking with Da
This is the newest face. She makes it all the time. Doesn't she look sweet? HA!
Before people started showing up, we were getting ready for dinner. Well I came around the corner and saw that Sadie was dancing. There was no noise at all.
She was definitely dancing to the beat of her own drum.
Momma and Sadie passing out candy. She really enjoyed the EIGHT people that came trick or treating. That's right eight people. We even stocked up because the last two years we had tons of kids. Not this year. Although we met a couple of neighbors that have kids Sadie's age so that was nice. I told Steve we really need to socialize more with them since she'll more than likely end up going to school with them. Isabella, Ryan & Cheyenne. They were all really cute.
Haha! I LOVE the pic of Steve wearing Sadie's cap. That is so funny. She looked adorable for halloween.
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