Monday, August 18, 2008

New Accomplishments

Ok so these pictures of Sadie in her high chair are post dinner! We are now learning that we don't have to suck on our thumb while we eat. She has gotten a lot better. Does she not look totally and utterly comfortable. She is constantly exploring with her feet. Hence the the foot!

I couldn't figure out if she was giving me the thumbs up or trying to show me her thumb! Either way it's just a really cute picture.

So besides growing by leaps and bounds (we had to start putting her in her stretchy outfits cuz she out grew her pajamas) she has discovered to her delight that she can try and get the dogs when she is on the floor. The only thing she can't seem to get a grip on is not being able to suck her thumb while crawling. The videos will show she will only crawl a little bit and then stop so she can suck on her thumb. It's cute. And Yes, you are listening to the Olympics in the back ground. We've been watching them faithfully every night!

So to our amazement this last week Sadie pulled herself up all by herself to the standing position. We think it is in honor of the Olympics! She can't help but be inspired to climb, crawl and dance. She was crawling on the floor and decided she had to investigate the root beer bottle on her bouncer. She used the side of the bouncer and pulled herself up. She even tried to climb up onto the bouncer but couldn't do it. She did great just standing there playing with her bouncer until she got tired and tumbled to the ground. Unfortunately Mommy wasn't fast enough and she hit her head. No worries though, there was no blood and I know it's not the last time it will happen. So here are a few pictures and a couple of videos.

Sadie is finally cutting a dang tooth. It's about time is all I have to say about that. Even now you can feel it but you can't quite see it. It looks like a pimple on her gums. It's on her lower gums. And if I thought the drool was bad before look out cuz there is even more now. We've been having to use ambosol cuz the teething tablets haven't been working.

I tell you this for the next picture. You will see the ring around her dress of drool. Now in the picture it's just an ordinary day sitting in her bouncer playing with her musical piano. Well yesterday she was playing with the piano and she started dancing. She danced while Steve played with her. The video isn't all that great but you can kind of see how she dances. This by no means gives the DDR (Dance, Dance Revolution) justice. She was so cute just dancing with Steve.


Anonymous said...

so, is Sadie going to be left
handed? She seems to favor her
left thumb to suck.

Sourpuss said...

Sadie is taking after her father. Steve use to dance every chance he got.