Sunday, August 24, 2008

Church Picnic

Well this weekend our Church had a picnic with a waterslide and everything. It was really fun. Sadie got to crawl around. Although she really didn't go too far until it got closer to us going home. Steve also gave her, her very first popicle. I wasn't too happy about that but what can I do. It's going to happen eventually right? I just am so concerned/cautious of her weight and I don't want to start bad habits now. But she really enjoyed it. It made her teeth feel good. So we've decided we will find some sugar free popicles and she can teethe on them.

She had a rough day today with her teeth. She was running a temperature and I kept having to put ambosol on her gums. She was clingy but didn't want to be controlled. It was "mommy hold me, mommy put me down" all morning. But she seemed better this afternoon. She is having a hard time falling asleep, so hopefully she'll do better tonight.
Below are some pictures and a video.

Here is the video of Sadie eating her popicle. You can hear a bunch of people in the back ground but my favorite is of Papa Randy teasing Gracie Galyan. Enjoy!


Karina said...

Steve! You big bully! Quit taking away the popsicle from the baby!

We love the faces she makes!

Karina and Alyssa