Sunday, August 10, 2008

Grass feels weird Momma!

So Sunday we decided to eat our breakfast outside in the back yard. It was a nice morning and not hot. So after breakfast Daddy decided to play in the yard. Up until now I've always had a blanket down for her to lay on but Steve thought it was time to get used to the grass. Here are some pictures of her reactions. Oh and the video is hysterical, even Daisy is worried about her and keeps checking on her. She was making a lot of noise.
Does anyone else think she looks like a bull dog. You know the one on the cartoons with the little dog hopping all around him? Yeah I'm dating myself but I couldn't stop laughing.
Big Dog and Little Dog


Anonymous said...

Sadie is growing SO fast that it
doesn't seem possible! Keep the
videos and photos coming, I love
them. You do a very good job--
ever thought of becoming a photographer? (In your spare time,
between 2 and 4 am)
Mom E

Anonymous said...

Sadie is growing SO fast that it
doesn't seem possible! Keep the
videos and photos coming, I love
them. You do a very good job--
ever thought of becoming a photographer? (In your spare time,
between 2 and 4 am)
Mom E