Friday, October 2, 2009

Disney On Ice: Princess Classics

To answer any lingering questions: No Sadie didn't win the contest! But that's ok. We still had a lot of fun. I do have to say though, next year we are going to do the matinee. This year I just had too much going on this weekend.
Look Aunt Jill-bee I finally get to wear some of the clothes you sent me.
Thanks Gin for the bows. They didn't last long be she still looked cute while they were in.

So my princess isn't your ordinary little princess. She'd much rather spend the evening walking or crawling around in the grass and picking up sticks. Guess Daddy gets his Tomboy.

Showing off her prized sticks. If she would have had a choice I think she would have played with them in the yard all night rather than go to the show. But don't you worry, she loved the show when we got there.

Mommy and Sadie ready to leave.

Here are some fun pictures during the performance
Watching Princess Jasmine
Yes we were this close!
Looking at the elephant that Aladdin came in on.

Sleeping Beauty

Little Mermaid
There were other Princesses of course, but my batteries started to die and a lot of the pictures I took didn't really come out. Next year Daddy is going so I can take my real camera!
We left at intermission. There was only Cinderella left. My favorite but Sadie was ready to go ice skating and with as close as we were she would have!

We had a lot of fun but wished Virginia and Atley would have been able to come. We are glad you are feeling better Virginia.


David and Amanda said...

Not sure how I missed this post, just saw it for the first cute! Brinkley would have loved the show, I shold be a better mama and take he to more things! love ya!