Monday, February 23, 2009

What a Weekend!

For those who have been paying close attention to my blog, you may have noticed a slight down trodden mood to my postings. Yes this is true. I have been struggling as of late but the sun is starting to peak through the clouds.

Friday was a great day at work. My boss was gone and I didn't have any pressing concerns (which isn't usually the case) so I was able to do mindless scanning most of the day while enjoying clips from one of my most favorite tv shows. The Big Bang Theory. I introduced the show to one of my co-workers and we were laughing most of the afternoon watching clips from the show. If you haven't seen the show, I highly recommend it. It's a funny 30 minute clean comedy. It is about 4 highly intelligent men (Nerds if you will) and 1 highly beautiful neighbor and how they co-exist together. It is quite comical. To top everything off on Friday I was able to go home early since I came in early. So I got to spend more quality time with Sadie and Steve.

Saturday found the three of us off to Costco for shopping. Susan and I were thinking about catching a movie at the dollar theatre but instead we had a great lunch with her daughter Jordan at La Mina. We had a really great time. I enjoyed having some much needed Mommy time. We talked and laughed and ate great food. Later that night I packed Sadie up and we went to Bakersfield College Women's Basketball game. It was their last home game of the season. My friend Paula Dahl is the coach. Sadie loved it. She watched the whole first half of the game. And anytime the cheerleaders cheered she was right there with them. But unfortunately the game didn't start until 7pm so at half time we packed up and headed home. She was ready for bed.

Sunday was even better. We had Stake Conference which was broad casted from Utah. So I left Sadie home with Steve since it was a 2-hour conference. I didn't think she'd last that long nor would I have been able to concentrate on the speakers. The speakers were great and we even got out of there 15 minutes early. Which usually never happens. After Church I went home did some laundry and played with Sadie. Then at 3:30pm I headed over to Susan's (without Sadie) to watch the Oscar's. It was a lot of fun. We used to do it all the time. And it was nice just to visit and relax without chasing Sadie around. My friend Shannon was there and we had a waxing session. She waxed all the ladies faces (who wanted it). And then we sat down with yummy food (Thanks Leeann and Susan) and had our own private session of project runway. HAHAHA! Around 7:45pm I headed home so I could put Sadie down for bed and then watched the rest of the Oscar's in bed.

I have to say it was a really nice and uplifting weekend. I have made it a priority to at least once a month do something just for me. Not with Sadie or Steve. Just have a girls day or something. It has been far too long since I've been able to sit down with friends and enjoy great conversations, share funny stories and just be girls.


Carianne said...

How fun! I miss you guys. How is Susan? It has been too long. I still have Sadie's bday gift here. I need to get that to you.

Rach n Adam said...

That does sound like a great weekend! That's fun that you all hang with just the girls.