Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays

Well we had a Doctor's appointment on Thursday. My cervix is still closed and her heart beat was strong. We go back in two weeks for an ultrasound to start the measuring. After that we start seeing the doctor every week. We also start stress testing. It sounds worse than it is though. The doctor said that twice a week I will have to go to the hospital and they will basically monitor the baby's heart beat as well as mine. He also said this is normal procedure for a "Non Typical" pregnancy. The doctor was happy with my sugar levels and I even lost 4 pounds according to their scale. My scale I lost a pound. I tend to go by my scale only because I weigh myself the same time every week before eatting and the doctor's office is usually late in the afternoon and the weight can vary depending on how much water I've drank or what I've had to eat that day.

We got to go to Pasadena on Friday and visited a woodworking store. We got a lot of stuff for Steve's cabinet project. Also last Thursday was Steve's work Christmas party at the Hungry Hunter. Yesterday Steve worked in the garage getting it ready for all the construction. Then we went to the Goree Christmas Party. I miss visiting with family and it was a nice night. Everyone was happy to see us and talk about the baby. I had run into Nick and his wife Chrissy at Costco on Wednesday and got to see their 4 month old boy Beau. He is really cute. I got to visit with Chrissy on Saturday night and she is really sweet. She was really encouraging about the labor process and actually described what a contraction felt like to me. I thought I had one at Costco on Wednesday but it looks like it was a cramp in my side from walking around too much.

Today Steve pulled out our old fridge and put in our new fridge by the back door. Tomorrow he will actually start the demolition of the kitchen. Ok maybe even some of it today. I'll be hiding out in my room watching movies I think this week. I don't want to get in Steve's way and I don't want to bug him.

I woke up Friday with a sore throat and stuffy nose. So I'm back on the robitussin and resting. Tomorrow if I'm feeling better we might go see the new National Treasure Movie. But we will have to see. I went to Church this morning even though I don't feel well at all. But it's Christmas afterall and what would Christmas be like if you don't go to Church? We already are not having any Christmas decorations up and I've not watched all my traditional Christmas time shows. I think I might do that tomorrow. I still have Steve's presents to wrap so that will give me something to do besides sleeping! Although that's probably what I should be doing anyway.

Mom and Dad have decided to wait until Sadie is born to come down. I think that is a wise decision although I'd love to spend some time with the boys. It's just a lot of traveling for them and it's also very expensive. So it's just Steve and I again this year, which I'm kind of happy about since I'm not feeling well. I'm not a very good sick person especially when I can't really take the strong stuff!

We are almost done with Sadie's room. We have a few decorative things to finish and also to move the rocking chair into her room but we are going to wait until after Steve is either done with the kitchen or he goes back to work. Whichever comes first.

Well I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and remembers the reason for the season.


Papa Randy said...

On behalf of your fans, thank you for up dating your blog. Merry Christmas to your and yours.