Wednesday, April 25, 2012

At the Hospital

After a long and very emotionally and physically exhausting day we made it to post-pardum room.  I was happy to be out of the OR recovery finally and to have some piece and quiet. Now the shift change had just happened at 7-8pm. So I told Steve to go ahead and go home and get some rest.  Well the night nurse came in and told me that I had to have someone in the room with me since I couldn't move due to the catheter. So I had to call Steve and have him make arrangements for Sadie and come back.  Poor guy was exhausted.

I asked the nurse when I could actually eat something other than soup and found out that the day nurse was supposed to remove that catheter and start giving me solid foods.  Keep in mind it's after 8pm and all I had that day was broth and water.  I was starving.  So I told Steve to stop and grab me some taco bell and bring me DIET COKE!  haha.

I eventually got sorted out and the next couple of days I just tried to regain my strength and work on moving with the incision.

Here is Henrietta

Mr. Auggie

Baby Girl Eastlick

Baby Boy Eastlick

Daddy and his baby girl

My girls!

I just love this picture of Hettie with her squishy face.

This is where Steve slept for two very uncomfortable nights.

Wednesday came and we were all chomping at the bit to get out of the hospital.  We waited all morning and finally in the afternoon we were released.  Here is our going home photo.