Thursday, April 26, 2012

Settling In...

One of the conditions of letting us go home on the 25th was that we had to get right into the doctor for Auggie.  He was extremely jaundice.  He only passed in one ear for the hearing test.  So we will have to go back into the hospital to have him retested.

Here is Auggie at the Doctor.
He is losing more weight than they would like.  So we are on a every 2-3 hour feeding schedule to try and beef him up some.
We also found out that Auggie has A+ blood type.  I have O- blood type so this is also something they are going to watch.  Something to do with rejection.  I'm not exactly sure what that is about but it might explain why he is so much smaller than Hettie because he was not compatible with me.  Awww...not compatible with me?  Say it ain't so!

We also have to do several blood draws for jaundice.  And if he doesn't stabilize then we will have to do a light at home.  His skull shape is also something they are going to monitor.  It appears there may have been some damage from him being breech.

We are also going to do a kidney ultrasound in the next month or so to verify there was no damage to the kidneys since he only had a two vessel cord.  Now normally babies have a three vessel ambilical cord.  Two vessels bring in nutrients and blood and one vessel for removal.  So Mr. Auggie only had one vessel for nutrients and blood.  Another reason he is smaller.  But this can sometime affect the babies kidneys.

Oh our poor boy.  You have struggled since conception.  But you are a fighter and I have faith you will be fine.

Here is Henrietta at the Doctor.
She also lost some weight but within normal limits.  They are still going to keep an eye on her.

This is what we call "Milk Coma"  And to be honest in this picture he reminds us all of my Grandpa Lindsey.  hehe.  Grandpa would sometimes fall asleep just like this.

Hettie in her "Milk Coma"

I don't remember what normal sleep is like anymore but thank Heaven for small mercies...Grandpa and Grandma arrived and they will be here with us for a week.  I'm truly blessed that they were able to come down and help.

Steve has the rest of this week off but will have to return for the 1st of the month mandatory work. But then he will take the week off after my parents leave.  So I will have help for three whole weeks.  YAY!  Hopefully by then I will be able to walk a little better and sit a little better and sleep a little better.  I tapped my dear friend Dawni's brain in preparation for a c-section but it still is a bit more difficult than I thought it would be.  Although I have been told I am trying to hard but that's just who I am.  Hopefully though I will be at least 50% better by the time I am on my own.  Yikes...I really don't want to think about that at the moment. 

Here is Grandpa Kenny, Miss Sadie and Mr. Auggie.
(don't you love the clone wars tent in the background? Yep my inner geek spills out every now and then.)