Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our First Night Home as a Family

Let me first say that I don't think anyone was more happy that we were all home than our dogs.  Yep more happy than Steve who hadn't really had a good nice rest in three days or me happy to be in my own home with my family. Our dogs just love the babies and have been quite gentle thus far. 

Since I am still very limited on mobility we set up our camp in the living room.  Who needs a three bedroom house if you have a large great room and comfy recliners right?!

Here is Henrietta in her sleeper.

Here is Auggie in his sleeper. 
We opted to go this route instead of keeping them together only because we don't have a lot of space in our bedroom so this was more functional.  They work pretty darn good too.

We opted to go this route instead of keeping them together only because we don't have a lot of space in our bedroom so this was more functional. They work pretty darn good too.
Here they are all hunkered down for the night in front of our recliners.

My precious miracle

And our other precious miracle.

Thought I'd throw this one in there to prove I am still here.  haha.  It's not all about the babies afterall. HA!

And it wouldn't be a camp unless someone was sleeping on the ground right?! 
Miss Sadie desperately wanted to sleep with her brother and sister.  She also missed Mommy and Daddy quite a bit too.  She has had a lot of changes in the past couple of months and there are more changes in the future as well.  But for tonight we are all camping out in the living room watching Big Bang Theory and trying to catch our breath and relax.