Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Snaps & Scraps
A special thank you to Dawni Zamora for the wonderful name!
That's right I've made a decision. The name of my new business will be Snaps & Scraps. I am really excited and now I can more forward.
There is also a hiddend meaning in the name.
(S&S = Steve & Sadie)
Corny I know but that's me in a nutshell.
Now that we have a name, Steve will be working on our website and email address. In the meantime you may email me at my personal email address if you are interested in learning more. I will be posting a more detailed entry with pricing and what the new business entails.
In the meantime, if you have photographs that are just lying around and you'd like to get them scanned and saved in digital format, please contact me. This is the basis of my new business but I will be providing more services than that though so please email me for more details.