Sunday, April 12, 2009
This morning Sadie and I got ready for Church and then went outside and we took turns getting our pictures taken. Then it was off to Church.
We had a fabulous ham, potato casserole, green salad, and a homemade concoction of Gin's. It was really good. We thought ahead this time and brought Sadie's high chair which was really nice. We were able to sit at the table and have a lovely meal without having to worry about what Sadie was getting into.
After lunch Steve and Andy went out front and hid the eggs. We did do an Easter basket for Sadie but we didn't hid it this year. Next year we will though. We used the same basket she got last year from Grandma Eastlick. She got a chocolate bunny (which no one has eaten yet), peeps, bubbles, Primary music on CD (Children's Song book), & plastic golf balls.
Steve filled the plastic eggs with yogurt covered raisins. So he and Andy hid those as well. Sadie was funny when she found those she'd just shake them.
"Homemade concoction"??!!! Honestly Tammy!!! I'm offended!! Just kidding. That's hilarious... that's exactly what it was. Haha. So interesting. Thanks for being brave enough to try it. We had so much fun with you guys. I love hanging out with you. We need to do it more! Sadie looks beautiful in all the pics, and you two look beautiful together in front of the flowers. I would say Steve looks beautiful too but... haha. j/k
Anyway, hope you guys are having a good week, and that Sadie's lip is better!! I felt so bad!! :(
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