Thursday, July 31, 2008
Last night I had a great night. I went and worked out and then went and visited friends. It was a much needed break from being Mommy and being able to be Tam. First I went to Heather's and visited with the Bride to Be Jessica. Shannon and Susan were there working on how to decorate the arch's for the wedding. Jessica had her wedding make up done that afternoon and she looked beautiful.
The we packed up and went to Susan's and watch Project Runway. I really enjoy the creative and artsy feel to that show. All the people on there are talented. I could do without the cussing of a certain person and the sideline dramas. But the clothing and the inspiration is wonderful. Of course it was great being able to visit with everyone. It was a full house, Susan, Shannon, Brittney, Emma & Alexis. Right before "So you think you could dance" came on Tracy, Jordan and Jennifer arrived. I wasn't able to stay for the show because it was on later than usual and I needed to get home to be mommy again and put Sadie to bed. But it was a great visit.
On my desktop calendar today it says....
"Reminiscing helps us put our lives into perspective. As we get older, we can see how each stage, every memory, fits into the grander scheme of things. My life has included sorrow as well as happiness. And all those emotions, all those bittersweet memories have created what I like to think of as a bright, colorful, firmly woven tapestry."
I think I will end on that note.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Lazy Weekend Pictures
Sadie's Favorite napping place...her Daddy's arm.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Lazy Weekend
Well this morning I wasn't feeling well and Sadie's running nose has gotten worse, so we decided to stay home from Church today. Instead we had a leisure morning laying around in bed. Her nose has gotten better but she is still congested. Good thing she has her 6 month check up on Friday.
This first video is of Sadie rocking back and forth on her hands and knees. Daddy decided it would be funny to use her toy as an earring and well see what happens...
This next video Sadie is showing her Sky Diver Pose she most often uses. She is also showing everyone how she has learned how to wave. Her hands are constantly going. Even in her sleep she waves.
This next video is of Sadie trying to crawl to get the remote. As I mentioned in previous entries, Steve started using the Xbox controller to try and get Sadie to crawl. Well it works just as well with the tv remote. Here you can see her attempt.
I have a few more videos from today but it's late and I need to go to bed. It takes a while to upload these. I'll add them soon.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Our Family Pictures

Friday, July 25, 2008
Sadie's 5 month Pictures

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Goree Picnic Pictures
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Fun Sadie Videos
Sadie has discovered she can lift herself up out of her bumbo but can't really go too far. Here's a short clip of her trying to escape.
Sadie has started to rock back and forth on her hands and knees, so we know she is getting ready to start crawling. So Steve has decided to put use the bait method and put the controller in front of her. It's a great idea. She's actually moved a little but not totally crawling. Oh and she keeps looking at Steve who is laying under the covers.
Here is just a quick video of Steve and Sadie. She had been trying to crawl and was really tired and ready for a nap.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Where to Begin???
The weather was nice and not too hot for them. It even cooled down enough that we were able to eat outside comfortably. Sadie loves to be outside. We moved her bouncing chair outside and she loved it. We even started feeding her outside in the mornings and evenings which she enjoyed as well.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from while everyone was here. Enjoy.