Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Surprise

So this morning when I got to work, I had a pleasant surprise. You know last week we kept Sadie home most of the week so she could recover from her cold. Well Kimmi, Sadie's daycare grandma made special Mother's Day presents for all the Mommies. Above is mine. They actually traced Sadie's hand and everything. It is so cute and sweet. It's my first hand made present from Sadie. I love Kimmi so much for doing this for me. Of course I have the real thing hanging in my cubicle at work.
I just thought I would share.


Melodie said...

Such a sweet item to be placed in Sadie's first year book!

Dawni said...

Hope you're feeling better Tams and hope you got my Mother's Day card in the mail!