Speaking of pictures we are going to have her pictures done tomorrow at the mall. I'm very excited and a little nervous because she has be really colicy (sp) lately and I don't want her to cry the whole time we are there. I'm hoping to get pretty pictures. I'm a month late in getting them done as well. I wanted to get them done each month but time has a funny way of speeding by when you don't want it to.
Speaking of time speeding by, tomorrow we go and meet Kimmie our daycare lady. It's getting closer to the dreaded day of having to take my precious baby to someone else to take care of. So tomorrow Momma, Daddy and baby are all going to Kimmie's house to talk and fill out the paperwork. I'll start leaving her a day or so a week until I go back so both Momma and Sadie get used to it.
Speaking of going back to work, there is a job at Chevron I've applied for. It's an Office Administrative Assistant. It's more money, better benefits and Steve and I can carpool. Not sure about the last one but it seems like it would be ideal. I'm not expecting much but who knows if they say no I at least still have a job at good ole' MS Walker. The good thing is the job closes on the 11th of March so any interviews and hiring would be done before I go back to MS Walker so there won't be any tension. I'm not actively seeking other work, this job just came up and it works with Steve's department so they encouraged me to apply.
Ok so it's been a paragraph since I've mentioned Sadie. Well she is still having colic issues. We've switched back to size 1 nipple on her bottle and we are giving her Mylicon after every feeding. Yesterday we went to mall and walked around for a couple of hours. She enjoyed it for the most part but momma's back is killing her today. It just hurts my heart to hear her cry the way she does knowing I can't do anything about it. We try everything and still she cries until she is so exhausted she sleeps. It's not like that all day but it is for a lot of it.
So I've had a rough week or so and some not so good momma moments but 'this to shall pass'. But when you look at her cute little face (covered in baby acne) and she smiles or grabs your chin, it's all worth it. It's just going to make going back to work that much harder. At least Steve will be the one to drop her off so it should be a bit easier.
Oh and we found a dress for Sadie for the blessing at Easter. It's really cute and best of all it was on clearance. We even got her a white little sweater to go over it so if it's chilly in Etna she'll be warm.
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