Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rainy Days Means Snuggle Days!!

It's been a couple of weeks since I've updated my blog. Things have been a little crazy at our house between lack of sleep and visitors. Lately I've been sleeping when Sadie sleeps so I haven't gotten to take the time to update everyone on Sadie's progress.
Well Grandma and Grandpa Eastlick came and visited Valentine's Day weekend. It was a fun weekend. We got to go shopping and even got to go to Crystal Palace for Sunday Brunch. Sadie is quite the travler. She loves to ride in the car and to go shopping.
Also on the 19th Susan and Stephanie threw a baby shower for Sadie at the church. She got to be passed around and everyone got to meet everyone. There were a lot of people there who came and shared in my happiness. Susan and Steph did a great job with great food and conversation.
Sadie has also discovered her hands and tongue. Not in that order of course but she is starting to discover things more and more. Now also when she cries there are actual tears, which is hard of momma. We have been fighting with gas bubbles here lately so we've started using the gas drops to help.
Last Thursday was Sadie's One month Doctor appointment. Everything is good. She now weighs 10 lbs. 10 oz. and is 22 3/4" long. She is growing nicely. We have had to go up a size in diapers and clothes. She is now wearing her 0-3 months and even some 3 month clothes. She has broken out in baby acne on her face which we are trying to get under control and she also has had a diaper rash. That is almost gone but it wasn't fun for her there for a while.
Last Thursday my sister-in-law Suzanne actually went to LA and was on the Wheel of Fortune. The episode will air on the 3rd of April and of course we have to wait to hear how she did until that time. WAY TO GO SUZANNE! We're rooting for you!
The big news for those not in Bakersfield is, it's Raining! I know shocking, but it actually rained on and off for a couple days. Now as I'm typing this though the sun is peaking through my living room curtain. But honestly it was raining. So yesterday and this more Sadie and I got to snuggle most the morning. She is a little snuggle bug and loves to cuddle.


Carianne said...

I wish I would have known about your shower. I have had your baby gift sitting in my room waiting for your shower. So sorry. I will have to find some time to come over and visit. I haven't wanted to bother you at home. Let me know when a good time is. I am glad to hear you are doing well. She is so beautiful. Miss you!