Friday, July 13, 2012

Stop Over in Etna

It would not be a completed trip to Etna if we didn't stop at Dotty's! I used to work here in High School and I have very fond memories of this place.

Here is 1/2 a Cattlemen's Sandwich and fries with cheese.  Not pictured a Raspberry milkshake...It was already gone.  haha.

It was a little warmer than the twins were used too so we stripped them down and kept them cool.  I love Hettie's face in this picture...she was actually sound asleep.

Great Grandma Valeda Facey with Auggie

Grandma Aileen with Hettie

Great Great Grandma Johnson loving on Miss Sadie

Mr. Dimples

Family Tradition
Tile Rummy anyone?

Great great Grandma Johson and the kiddos

Five Generations:
Me, Great Grandma Valeda, Grandma Aileen
Great Great Grandma Johnson, Auggie, Miss Sadie & Henrietta

Our Crabby Butts!

Auggie, Grandma Judy, Miss Sadie, Henrietta, & Grandpa Chet

Grandma Judy and Auggie

Grandpa Chet and Henrietta

Auggie, Great Grandpa Albert aka Papa, Miss Sadie, Great Grandma Valeda and Henrietta

Papa and Auggie

Grandma Valeda and Henrietta