Steve is gone this week to Las Vegas for a conference. So it's just been us girls. And last night she fought and fought cuz she didn't want to go to sleep. Well as soon as Steve called and started talking to her on the speaker phone she was out like a light.
In Sadie's crib we've had a infant positioner in her crib so she couldn't roll over. Well she's discovered she can roll over within the positioner. So I took it out of her crib for the first time last night. Now I've mentioned her best friend George the bear before right. Well last night while discovering she was free to roam her crib, she also discovered she could touch George now with all of her extremities. So below is how she finally fell asleep. Needless to say though when she woke up this morning at 5am she was all over her crib. By the time I got in there, George was no longer in his spot he was in front of her pink night light protecting it. HA!
Well this morning she was playing on her Baby Einstein mat while I got ready for work. She was playing super hard and when I got out of the shower this is what I discovered. Aren't sleeping babies precious? I think so any way.
Tammy, thank you so much for sending me the link to your blog! It's adorable. I can't believe how cute your little girl is. I love that she loves her little teddy bear so much. Speaking of little girls... I can't WAIT until mine finally decides to make an appearance!! Haha.
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