That's right I have a Girl!
Today during Sadie's bubble bath I was playing with and she started to wash my hands with her baby brush. She did a really good job. She gave both my hands an impressive manicure. Considering she knew nothing about that and she's never seen me do it.
So after she was done I thought, hmmm, and stuck my feet in the tub. Sure enough she gave me a great pedicure. I'm training her early I guess. So in the spirit of girl bonding I decided to try my hand at painting her toenails. I was a bit leary considering she is like a fart in a skillet and doesn't stay in one place too long. But she did REALLY good. She sat and in my lap and I painted her toes. Then her hands. I told her to pretend she had wings and to flap them. She loved it. And I'm so happy I had a girlie moment with my beautiful daughter.
I love hands. And I always wanted a picture of my hands and Sadie's. I like this one but I think I'm going to keep trying. I just want a picture so she can look back when she is older and see if our hands are similar.