Friday, January 29, 2010

Sadie & the Box

I got a great surprise for my birthday from my brother and sister-in-law. They sent me their vinyl machine and some pj's for Sadie. I didn't open the boxes until the next day, Trav's birthday. Sadie LOVED it. All the boxes were full and I mean full (thanks guys) of packing peanuts. So we put Sadie in the box so she could play with them. She had a blast. Especially when Steve started pouring more packing peanuts on her. We were getting ready to ship her to Etna. She thought it was really funny though when Steve closed the box. Here are some pics.
Here come the peanuts.

Can you tell we had Spaghetti for dinner?
Almost ready...
Here we to Etna...
...or maybe not