Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Oh the Beautiful Weather...

The weather has been so nice and Sadie was feeling better so we ventured out to the park. She LOVES the swings. Not too sure about the slides yet though. And of course what little girl doesn't like getting dirty in the sand. HA! Here are some pictures.

Pure Joy!!!
Climbing the steps to the slides.
Putting her finishing touches on the slide.
After the park I just couldn't keep her inside. It was such a nice day. So we played out front waiting for Daddy to get home.
Taking a break
I love these candid moments.

Here is a video of Sadie playing Ring-a Ring-a Rosie.

Here is Sadie singing and running around her Mickey Airplane

Here is Sadie attacking me and the camera.

So Sadie still isn't quite sure about the slides. So we went back to the park a couple days later and she actually went down. Here is a short video showing her slide talents.