Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Exploring Disneyland

Let me first start off by saying this is a big entry. There are a lot of pictures but we did so many new things this trip it was hard not to include everything.
This trip we got to go exploring and find things that we hadn't done yet at Disneyland.
Petting Zoo
Our first stop was to go visit the animals at the petting zoo. The little billy goats really liked Sadie. A little too much. They tried to eat her shirt. But after they got a taste of her they tried to escape.

Here are the billy goats trying to escape.
Toon Town

Our next stop was Toon Town. We'd visited before but every time Sadie was napping so we decided we needed to explore Mickey's house, since Minnie's house was full of people waiting for autographs. Sadie was completely enthralled with Mickey's stuff.
Sadie wanted to go inside Pluto's house.
I think she'd really like one of these at our house!!
Then of course she had to drive Mickey's car.
Then we went down by Roger Rabbit's ride. And she just wanted to drive the fire truck.
California Adventure
We crossed over to California Adventure. Sadie loves to go on the fish carousel ride and of course we had to visit Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse for the show.

Sadie riding her fish

We stopped and shopped a little on the pier this time (new to me). We found a great hat that came with the sunglasses. She loved them.
Flick's Fun Fair
Then we discovered Flick's Fun Fair. I hadn't seen this part of California Adventure so we decided to take a look and were very happy with what we found.

Here is Heimlich's ride...he takes you through all the food he's eaten.

Then it was on to Francis the Lady Bugs spinning ride (like the tea cups)
Next to Francis' ride was Flick's High Flyers
Sadie actually really enjoyed this ride.

We had just enough time to make it to the last show of Mickey's Clubhouse. Sadie even met a new friend while in line. (SHOCKING)
Sadie is already a concert groupie. She was up dancing and having a good ole time.

After the concert we hit up Monster's Inc again and then decided to head back over to Disneyland. Of course our first stop was King Arthur's Carousel.
Then we decided to take a ride on the Mark Twain paddle boat.
It was a little slow for Sadie's taste but she did enjoy looking at everything through the railing.

I also tried something new...A Turkey Leg.
I'd never had one before and wondered what the hype was about.
It was delicious and enough for both Sadie and I to have to dinner.
On our way out to the tram we saw this...
...I had to get a picture as Steve is a huge Braves fan!
We had a lot of fun trying new things at Disneyland and hope come the fall we'll discover even more amazing adventures!