This Mother's Day, I was filled with mixed feelings. I was lost in thoughts before I had Sadie and the feelings and sadness that I felt with this holiday. Don't get me wrong I am extremely thankful for my beautiful girl. It's just taken me a while to get rid of the feelings of trying for so long to be a Mom. And that got me thinking about my Mom, Grandmas and Aunts. I have had such wonderful women in my life and I am truly blessed. That then turned my thoughts to all the other outstanding women whom I have been surrounded by my entire life. My wonderful youth leaders, my friend's mothers, and teachers. I have had such great examples to help shape and mold who I am.
Which got me to thinking...I too may have been one of those examples to a child. I know that I have loved and looked after several children that were not my own that I considered myself an Aunt too. Time is a big factor here though. I know for a lot of people these feelings are raw, new and uncontrolable. I know I've been there. I just hope that those people who are struggling with these feelings know that it will get easier and when it's time it will happen. And I know you don't want to hear that, I didn't, but it's the truth. So if you are one of these people or you know someone who is struggling with this issue, please know I am here for you and I understand. And if you need someone to talk to I am here.
Ok enough of that. I was able to have a wonderful breakfast and dinner prepared by my loving husband and a beautiful necklace. And some great quality time with my baby. And believe it or not I forgot to get my camera out. So please forgive me...the only pictures I have are from my phone. I have to say I love my family and I'm so glad that everyone puts up with me.