Monday, May 7, 2012

Two Weeks Old

I was a bit overwhelmed with all the pictures of the babies so I thought instead of going day to day I'd go week to week and pick my favorites from that week.

Just waking up.  Sadie decided that Henrietta needed to watch her morning cartoons with her.

I love this picture.  I have pictures of Sadie on Daddy's chest too.  Mr. Auggie was very comfortable.

Our girls

Henrietta dressed up for the first time. 

POW right in the kisser.
(I'm starting to notice a theme here.)

Little Brother.

Auntie Karina and cousin Alyssa sent us some really cute monkey theme clothes so I thought I'd get some pictures for them.  Well I tried to get some pictures.  These were the best.  All the others they were crying or fighting.  HA.  I'll take stretching and yawning over fighting any day.