Monday, April 30, 2012

Big Sister

As to be expected, Sadie has been acting out a little.  She actually started this before the twins got here and I was on bed rest.  It's to be expected really.  She is a very energetic kid and loves no DEMANDS attention.

For the most part she has done really well and she loves her babies!  But we noticed that the attention seeking child was acting out and trying to tell us not so subtly that she wanted to be involved with the babies more. 

I love Miss Sadie with all my heart but a small part of me...must be that new mom part...was a little nervous. 

But Miss Sadie exceeding all expectations.  She really just wanted to feel like she was a part of all this new stuff.

I just love this picture.  It captures Sadie to a T and even got Mr. Auggie looking at the camera.

Our Babies!
This was the first sibling photo.  She was SO happy she got to hold both at the same time.  All she kept saying was "I'm a big helper huh Momma?"

My girls!

She even got to help feed Henrietta. 
She was very serious for all of five minutes and then she was done helping.  HA!

I love my children and I am so very thankful that Heavenly Father saw fit to bless us with these miracles.