Monday, October 24, 2011

PreSchool Heads to the Pumpkin Patch

We started Sadie in a co-op preschool this year.  There are 6 kids and the parents switch off on having the preschool at their house each week. 

In October we decided to have a field trip to the pumpkin patch.  The kids really enjoyed themselves.

Here they are studying the pond that is fenced.  Personally I think they were trying to figure out how to get on the other side of the fence. 

Here they were studying the bottoms of the pumpkins.  Another favorite were the bumps on the outside of the pumpkins.  They reminded me of warts.

Here they are getting ready for a little class about pumpkins.

After the class we took the kids through the corn maze.  Afterward Sadie told Steve that it was kind of scary because she couldn't find her way out.  "All it was was tall corn Daddy"