Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our Thanksgiving

Well before I get into our Thanksgiving feast, let me first start off by telling you what has transpired in the last three weeks.

On Friday, November 5, 2010 Steve was admitted into Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. He was diagnosed with staph bacterial pnemonia. His right lung was almost collapsed and his heart rate was extremely high just resting. He was in the hospital for almost 11 days and was able to come home on Monday, November 15, 2010. He is still off of work and he still has his iv's but he is doing better. We hope he will be well enough within the next week or so he can go back to work.
So this Thanksgiving we are extremely grateful that our Daddy and Husband is home and is recovering. It was a long 10 days but we are getting back to normal.
Eating chips and salsa with Daddy
Daddy - he lost a lot of weight in the hospital
Our family - I'm behind the camera of course
Our yummy meal. Daddy did the turkey, pumpkin pie and peeled the potatoes