Friday, October 22, 2010

Our Family Visits the Pumpkin Patch

Today I ended up not watching Jude and it was Steve's Friday off. So we loaded up and headed down to Banducci's Family Pumpkin Patch. It's a cute little place that they decorate really well and have lots of photo op places. They even have a few animals that are on display for the children to ooh and aah over.
Sadie has been struggling lately on whether or not pumpkins are scary.
Apparently they are friendly once again.
Everytime we asked her to show us the gourd she would lift it high in front of her face. Crazy little girl. So I had to get a picture of her not posing so I could see her face.
She was sitting on a hay bale and watching a group of kids that had come on a field trip at the same time. She really wanted to go play with her "friends".
Funny enough she walked right over to this cut out and stuck her face in without any prompting. So I took full advantage.
Watching the chickens, roosters and turkey.
Of course what would a pumpkin patch be without a wagon full of baby pumpkins, gourds and squash? I just don't know myself.
Sadie was facinated by the pumpkins with the bumps all over them. She thought they were pretty cool and funny looking.
Here's our pumpkin...oh and the two we bought to carve.