Thursday, January 21, 2010

Birthday Surprises: Part II - The Bouncer

So Steve and I decided instead of renting a bouncer for Sadie's birthday party, we would invest in a smaller bouncer that she could have more than just the party. It's a nice bouncer, about 6 ft across and it was only $40 at Wal-mart. And let's just say I'm in heaven. She has bounced and bounced. Getting a lot of her pent up energy out. It's really nice for rainy days! Which I think Karina and Alyssa brought with them from Oregon.

Here is Alyssa throwing Sadie into the bouncer. They had a lot of fun doing this all weekend!

Here's a video of Sadie bouncing and exclaiming she's bouncing to everyone. Alyssa started moving the bouncer while Sadie was bouncing and Sadie LOVED it! Oh and in the bouncer is Sadie's Monkey blanket that Karina and Alyssa made for's a must blanket now where ever we go!

Here is a video of Sadie trying to run in her bouncer.