Wednesday, August 12, 2009


* I am now the Primary Chorister at my Church. I am really excited. I get to teach music to the kids. I am so happy!

* So can I say that I really miss So You Think You Can Dance?! I miss watching Sadie do her own dance routines to the music. I'm glad there is another season starting in the fall.

* Being a Mom is hard. Having a child who doesn't want to listen and is pushing for boundaries is even harder. But having a child obey for other people other than yourself because you aren't with them as much as you'd like is the hardest of all.

* Money sucks, this real estate catastrophe really sucks, and not having money to cover bills REALLY, REALLY sucks.

* I can't wait for the new season of NCIS to start so I can find out what happens to Zeva!

* Drama at work just sucks! And it's worse when there is a turf war. (Do to the openness of this blog I feel obliged not to go into great detail)

* The Time Traveler's Wife starts this weekend and I so want to go. Any takers?

* Sadie had her first play date today with Gracie & Lucy Galyan! Apparently they all had a lot of fun! I'm so greatful for the friendship that both Gracie and Lucy have shown Sadie. It makes this Momma happy.

* I am so looking forward to a date night with my Husband. Looking for a sitter if anyone is available Saturday.

* Big Bang Theory is one of the funniest shows EVER! And I'm so glad I have them on DVD.

* Sadie gets to play with her cousin Beau on Friday at the park and help celebrate his birthday! We love Beau and we love the park. What a great combination!

* I am truly blessed to have a home, a job, food on the table and a loving husband and daughter to go home too. See even through the darkness there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It's just to bad that there are some tunnels that are longer than others. HA!

Enough rambling, just thought I'd share some of the thoughts that are running rampant in my mind.


Hirsche Family said...

I love how you look for and find the positive in everything! I think you will be a fantastic Primary Chorister! Good luck with everything!

Rach n Adam said...

I hate money too! And being a mom is very hard! If I lived closer I would so go see the Time Traveler's Wife! I have to stop whatever I'm doing to watch the whole preview every time it comes on! haha